To get a 3 dimensional view of your drawing you can click the isometric button. Print this out for easy reference in the field and to present “as built” drawings to your customers and inspection departments. Moving the horizontal scroll bar will change the isometric viewpoint. The colors in the isometric represent the color settings for the different pipe sizes. You may easily edit the colors in settings. You can opt to include pipe sizes in the isometric. The size will appear next to each pipe. Pipe numbers can also be viewed in the isometric. Pipe numbers correspond to pipes in the pipe cut list. Isometric drawings improve the readability of the project. Isometric drawings are available for water distribution as well as Drain Waste And Vent piping. You may switch to the isometric view by clicking Iso from the options that include Plan, Front, Side and Iso views.
You may filter parts of your plan using the ViewFinder. This will gray out pipes outside the boundaries of the ViewFinder borders making it easy to focus on certain pipes. Some of the pipe properties can be edited in the isometric view. You may change the pipe size, pipe vent status and fitting assignments in the isometric view.
Isometric drawings are required by many inspection departments before a project begins for commercials projects. Some inspections departments are requiring isometric drawings for residential projects as well. Required or not, it is just plain good practice to take the time to have isometric drawings to refer to during the process of plumbing a project.
With the automatic creation of isometrics provided by QuickPlumb you are covered. This along with the 3d view capabilities of QuickPlumb make your plumbing projects come together just as planned every time.